Attendance Office » Attendance and Absence Procedures

Attendance and Absence Procedures

When students are absent for an entire school day:

  • Submit a note to the Attendance Office written by a parent /guardian.
  • The note must include: student's first & last name, date(s) of absence, parent/guardian signature & phone number
  • This note must be submitted on the first day back at school following the absence

When students arrive late to school:

  • Submit a note to the Attendance Office written by a parent /guardian.The note must include: student's first & last name, date(s) of absence, parent/guardian signature & phone number

When a student needs to leave campus early for any part of the school day:

We highly recommend scheduling appointments for after school.

  • Adults must sign in at the front entrance where you will be directed to the Attendance Office.
  • A photo ID is required
  • Any person not listed on the emergency card may not pick up a student early.
  • Students will be called from class only when the adult is on campus in the attendance office. During lunch students may not be available for release. Allow an additional 20 minutes for students in PE classes.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the campus early unless escorted by a verified parent/guardian.